Tony Kaye
I find Sam to be one of the best creative directors I have ever worked with.
We are just beginning in our journey because I am new to the world of digital advertising and the other adjacent subsidiary, modern, often electronic voices that Sam knows inside out.
Sam understands the deeper concepts that live far away beyond where most people even bother to look.
Sam continues to dig when most have outgrown their shovels and spades.
Sam needs a perfect sandpit in which to create.
That's why he moves on when things get glued or sticky underfoot.
Sam will stay in this business and continue to grow because he loves the craft, he loves the challenge and he feels he can genuinely benefit humanity from the vantage point of his watchtower.
I wish Samuel Ball the best and hope my words find and grow the belief in others that I have intuited within my own experience.

Dom Moira
I've been lucky enough to do some crazy shit with Sam. We found out 'what's the worst that could happen?' with Dr Pepper, we accidentally killed a tank of piranhas and recently, we got the animatronic head of Arnold Schwarzenegger to tell the UK to 'Do it now!' on their PPI claims.
Sam is wise in his method but also a renegade, hellbent on creating the kind of mischief and notoriety that advertising is crying out for. A special talent and a good friend.
Kieron Roe
Voted Chief Culture Officer 5 years running at Lean Mean Fighting Machine, Sam is a man who takes an agency by the scruff of the neck shakes it into life. He's one of the bravest creative directors I have ever worked with.
Normally as a creative, you take an ECD a bold idea and expect to be told to "tone it down"... Sam tells you to push it further. He's a great guy and would be a valuable addition to any team. I wish I still worked with him and hope to again.

Annis Waugh
I worked as a Producer for Sam for 4 years at Lean Mean Fighting Machine and learnt so much from him. Namely that the 'Idea is King'.
His unwavering belief in that meant that all the work we produced had real integrity and passion behind it. He was always supportive of team member's ideas which meant that collaboration was encouraged for the good of the work and confidence of the team. Sam was great fun to work for and with and I have many happy memories of that time.
Ben Clapp
Sam is an inspirational creative leader at the highest level.
In the years we worked together at Tribal DDB, Sam was the one who constantly challenged us to be the best we could be, to make great work, to do something amazing, different or new.
As a hands-on creative he also led the charge by example, with energy, prolific output and ground-breaking award-winning ideas.
No surprise to any who worked with him that his start-up Lean Mean Fighting Machine continued the charge, going on to become Cannes Agency of the year.

Natalie Lennartsson
What's the most fucked up thing we can do?
That's the kind of aspiration Sam would want us to have. He is the kind of CD that would surprise you with his openness to crazy ideas and taking risks - we once went to a pitch where 'Fuck it' was part of the campaign title.
At M&C Saatchi, Sam had full confidence in us, to let us grow as creatives and made sure we challenged ourselves, while giving us his creative input. If you want work that will stand out from your competitors, Sam's the man.
Morten Schmidt
Sam is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever worked with.
His thoughtful creative mind combined with a “fuck it, let’s do it”-attitude is probably the reason why. He was my CD at Lean Mean Fighting Machine and M&C Saatchi where he constantly motivated me to think more fearless and come up with bolder ideas.